Thursday, April 26, 2012


So lets see if I can keep this blog up. Chances are I won't but hey why not give it another shot.

I am 18 and in college. I love art, and animals. Both are very imortant to me. My animals include a cat, 6 betta fish, and 31 chickens.

My favorite forms of art are sewing and drawing. I belong to an amazing site that allows me to trade my art. And then I sell my sewing projects on etsy. This blog is to post things that I love and that inspire me and fuel my creative juices. 


Earlier this year my parents bought a house and that means we are moving! So being very exited to move I have already started planning my bedroom. I am looking for something simple and sophisticated. My ideas are leaning towards black and white with random splashes of color. Now while I am completly in love with the idea, my concern though is how to make my tanks fit. I have 2, and would like to add more, but it would take away from the look of the room. I am most definatly not getting rid of my fish. They are very much apart of my life and I love them all.

What I love about this room is the frames on one wall. I had been thinking of doing something similar, just not to this extent. My thoughts are black and white photography of maybe animals with some random landscapes, or other objects.
Thought this looked awsome.

And this concludes my first post.